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The Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE) supports a range of Official, International, Heritage, Signed and Aboriginal languages and specializes in supporting American Sign Language (ASL), Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Cree, English as a Second Language, French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Latin, Punjabi and Spanish language in many areas.

Pedagogical Training Services

IISLE provides training and support for the development of highly skilled teachers, administrators and educational leaders, including in the areas of:

  • Second language teaching
  • Curriculum
  • Assessment
  • Literacy
  • Differentiation
  • Technologies
  • Leadership
  • program implementation
  • Internationalization
  • Standards and credentialing

Curriculum and Programming Support

IISLE provides services to support the implementation of characteristics of successful second language programs, including the development of curriculum and curriculum support materials for second language programs, including:

  • Professional development and leadership training sessions
  • Curriculum development and implementation support
  • Teacher guide and assessment materials development
  • Scheduling and timetabling
  • Materials and systems to implement policy
  • Program implementation and monitoring

Resource Centres

IISLE houses several resource centres, providing access to language teaching, language learning, assessment, leadership and cultural resources for pre-service and practicing second language teachers, language program leaders, and the community. IISLE also provides assistance in resource selection and resource training.

IISLE hosts an official Spanish Resource Centre, provided in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Spain and the University of Alberta. This Spanish Resource Centre provides specialized resources and services to support the teaching, learning and research for Spanish.

IISLE hosts an extensive French Language Resource Centre, as well as a Resource Centre collection to support the teaching and learning of Arabic, ASL (American Sign Language), Cree, ESL/ELL, German, Hebrew, Punjabi, Japanese and Latin. In addition, IISLE hosts the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Resource Centre which contains many resources including artifacts from several First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples.

IISLE also facilitates access to a large Chinese library that is provided through the Confucius Institute in Edmonton and is housed within the Languages Centre at Woodcroft.

The IISLE Technologies Playground, supported with contributions from the Goethe Institut Toronto and Official Languages in Edmonton, provides an opportunity for all District staff to play, create and learn with multiple technologies. Self-guided tours and technology descriptors are available to guide independent learning.

All resource centres are lending libraries, and contain:

  • Print resources
  • Digital resources
  • Multimedia resources
  • Technology-based tools
  • Language and culture resources

Cultural Activities and Events

IISLE facilitates and hosts numerous cultural activities and events, such as exhibits, film festivals and cultural information sessions. IISLE gathers and shares cultural resources and information. In addition, IISLE provides and facilitates opportunities for cultural experiences and interactions for Alberta students, teachers, schools and administrators with students, teachers, schools and administrators from other provinces and countries. Some examples include:

  • Films
  • Photographic and museum exhibits
  • Cultural events
  • Information
  • School twinnings and partnerships


IISLE provides information and services to promote second language education and programs.

  • Cultural activities
  • Media materials and activities
  • Research summaries on benefits of second language learning
  • Websites
  • International links
  • Multimedia resources
  • Technology-based tools
  • Language and culture resources


IISLE provides research information and services to support second language policy, programs and practices.

  • Research literature reviews and summaries
  • New research initiatives
  • Connecting research with teaching practices
  • Research partnerships
  • Research in innovative technologies for language learning

Technologies Support

IISLE leads the exploration of the effectiveness of a wide range of technologies and the optimum blend of technologies in both the delivery and implementation of second language programs. IISLE provides development services and teacher training in the uses of these technologies for second language teaching and learning.

  • Video and audio digital content
  • Voice recognition
  • Storyboards
  • Interactive white boards
  • Word predictors
  • Videoconferencing and telecommunications
  • Online courseware and resources
  • Virtual reality
  • Webcasts
  • Language software

Linkages, Connections and Partnerships

IISLE provides services to connect Alberta students, teachers, schools, and administrators provincially, nationally and internationally to speakers and educators of other languages through facilitating twinnings, penpal/e-pal relationships, technology-based interactions, study opportunities, work and volunteer experiences.

  • Partnerships
  • Twinnings
  • E-pals
  • Videoconferencing interactions
  • Formal international and national partnerships