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Spanish Resource Centre

¡ Bienvenidos al Centro de Recursos del Español !
Teachers, administrators, librarians and all district staff are encouraged to drop-in, view and borrow from a large collection of Spanish language resources including a wide range of print and digital resources, such as story books, films, music, Spanish literature, and exam preparation resources, for teachers in Kindergarten to Grade 12 students.

This resource centre has been established through an agreement between the Ministry of Education of Spain, IISLE at Edmonton Public Schools and the University of Alberta. Knowledgeable staff will be available to provide information and support.

What is the Spanish Resource Centre?
The Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE) entered an agreement with the Ministry of Education and the University of Alberta with the aim to establish a Spanish Resource Centre.  It is a space intended to house any sort of materials useful for the teaching and learning of Spanish language, that help people learn about the different cultures from the Spanish speaking countries, and promote the exchange of experiences amongst educational groups and institutions, regarding to Spanish culture and language.

Goals of the Spanish Resource Centre:

  • To provide teachers belonging to a Spanish program attached to the Alberta Education System with all necessary resources to facilitate their duty in teaching Spanish.
  • To provide teachers, students and public with as many instruments as possible for the research, teaching and learning of the third most spoken language in the world.
  • To assist to the knowledge not only of the Spanish language, but also of its historical, geographical, artistic and cultural legacy, as well as that from all regions and countries belonging to the Hispanic world.
  • From a more general perspective, to promote the learning of second languages, according to the Edmonton Public Schools guidelines, and the knowledge and respect for all cultures and nationalities.
  • To encourage the exchange of educational experiences amongst educational groups and institutions not only from the province of Alberta but also from Canada and from abroad, by means of new technologies such as Internet, videoconferencing, etc.
  • To provide public access to our General Catalogue and online loan service of the centre resources.
  • To offer information about courses, activities and cultural events related to the Spanish language and culture in the province of Alberta in general, and in Edmonton in particular.

Spanish Resource Centre Collaborations
The Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education at Edmonton Public Schools hosts a Spanish Resource Centre, provided in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Spain and the University of Alberta. This Spanish Resource Centre provides specialized resources and services to support the teaching, learning and research for Spanish language and culture.

These resources are available to all interested in Spanish language education (parents, community, schools, tutors, teachers, students, post-secondary, administration, business community, etc.). 


For further information about the Spanish Resource Centre, contact spanishresourcecentre@epsb.ca or (780) 970-5207.

For other information regarding support of Spanish, contact Miguel  Hernáiz, Spanish Language Education Advisor, Alberta Education, at miguel.hernaiz@educacion.gob.es.

Visit the Centro de Recursos de Edmonton page on the Spanish Ministry of Education website.