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Welcome to IISLE

Edmonton Public Schools is a leader in North America’s second language education. The Division offers excellent bilingual programs in six languages, second language courses in 10 languages, and an extensive French Immersion program.

The Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE) at Edmonton Public Schools is the first comprehensive institute of its kind in North America, housed within a public school board, to support the development and promotion of excellence in second language education. IISLE is committed to providing outstanding educational experiences and training to prepare leaders for an evolving global society. 

Our Services

  • To promote and develop excellence in all aspects of second language education across a wide range of official, international, heritage, aboriginal and signed languages.
  • To provide services and expertise to support second language teaching and learning and the development of exemplary community and global citizens.
  • To provide services and expertise to support second language teaching and learning
  • To ensure that students of second language programs leave their schooling having achieved targeted levels of proficiency in at least one language in addition to English, as measured, where available, by recognized international standard credentialing.